API Information

This page describes the upload API for advertising audiences and provides information about data formatting. Data must be uploaded in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format with strings enclosed in double quotation marks. At present the system will produce data in CSV or JSON format, but will only accept CSV for upload.

Follow below links for further information and details.

Flat File Structure

Audience information must be delivered via CSV as noted above. The preferred format is a comma separated file, with column headings in the first row. Failing to specify a header row may result in rejected or corrupted results. Upload files may contain one or more records. String values should be enclosed in double quotes.

Some fields accept multiple values. Multi-value fields must be presented as a single string of enum code values, separated by semicolons and enclosed in double quotes.

Audience Fields

CSV Field Field Full Name Data Type Description
audience_id Provider's Audience ID String Audience segment's unique internal ID as specified by the Provider.
provider_domain Provider Domain String - top level domain Domain associated with the business entity making the attribute determination.
provider_name Provider Name String Name of the business entity making the attribute determination.
provider_email Provider Contact Email String - email Email address where provider can field inquiries about segment / cohort.
audience_name Provider's Audience Name String Provider's descriptive name of audience attribute contained in the segment / cohort.
taxonomy_id_list Standardized Audience ID(s) String - delimited ID list Semicolon separated list of the standardized IDs that, in combination, best describe audience attribute (as selected from IAB Tech Lab Audience Taxonomy 1.1 [LINK]). Audience taxonomy IDs with "Purchase Intent Classification" modifiers would be delimited via pipe character. Order of Audience IDs should be sequential, and order of modifiers attached to an ID should be alphabetical. Ex: "123|PIFI2|PIPV1;456|PIFI3;789|PIPV1".
audience_criteria Audience Segmentation Criteria String - free text max 500 chars Description of the rules applied by the seller that govern inclusion of data points into the online audience segment. Sellers may wish to include provenance, recency, and frequency logic, as well as core differentiating factors that a buyer may want to evaluate during purchase decision.
audience_precision_levels Audience Precision Levels String - Enum value(s) The level of granularity to which an audience was resolved. One or more code values from the Precision Level enumeration.
audience_scope Audience Scope String - Enum value(s) The contexts within which an attribute was determined. One or more code values from the Audience Scope enumeration.
originating_domain Originating Domain String - Enum value(s) Domain of the digital property where the audience originates.
audience_size Audience Size Number Estimated count of addressable units specified within "Audience Precision Level" field.
id_types ID Type(s) String - Enum value(s) The ID currencies that were analyzed in order to determine an audience attribute. One or more code values from the Audience ID Type enumeration.
geocode_list Geography String Semicolon separated list of the geographies in which the attribute data was collected. Values are from ISO-3166-1-alpha-3 code list.
privacy_compliance_mechanisms Privacy Compliance Mechanisms Used String - Enum value(s) Declaration of consumer data transparency and consent tools that provider applies. One or more code values from the Compliance Mechanism enumeration.
privacy_policy_url Privacy Policy String - web address Hyperlink to the seller's privacy policy.
iab_techlab_compliant IAB Tech Lab Compliant Flag Boolean Read-only response value indicating if the originating entity has passed IAB Tech Lab compliance program.
data_sources Data Source(s) String - Enum value(s) Origin of the raw data used to compile the audience. One or more code values from the Audience Detail Source enumeration.
audience_inclusion_methodology Data Inclusion Methodology String - Enum value(s) Description of seller's relationship to the audience attribute / information being sold. One or more code values from the Inclusion enumeration.
audience_expansion Audience Expansion Boolean Was look-a-like modeling used to include 'similar' IDs? Yes/No or True/False value
device_expansion Cross-device Expansion Boolean Was the segment expanded to include IDs thought to be associated with the devices of the same user, household, or business? Yes/No or True/False value
audience_refresh Audience Refresh Cadence String - Enum value Cadence of the audience refresh. One code value from the Time Period enumeration.
lookback_window Source Lookback Window String - Enum value Period in the past that a qualifying event can occur for inclusion in audience. One code value from the Time Period enumeration.
onboarder_match_keys Input ID / Match Key String - Enum value(s) Input ID/ Match Key used by the Onboarder for matching. One or more code values from the Match Key enumeration.
onboarder_audience_expansion Pre-onboarding Audience Expansion Tri-state value (Yes|No|N/A) Was look-a-like modeling used to include "similar" IDs before the data was matched to a digital identifier?
onboarder_device_expansion Pre-onboarding Cross Device Expansion Tri-state value (Yes|No|N/A) Was the audience expanded to include affiliated devices and IDs before the data was matched to a digital identifier?
onboarder_audience_precision_level Pre-onboarding Audience Precision Level String - Enum value(s) The level of granularity to which an audience was resolved before it was onboarded. One or more code values from the Precision Level enumeration.