Enumeration Descriptions

This page contains information on the allowed values, descriptions, and codes for enumerations used in Audience fields. When performing an upload operation, enumeration values are specified using the Code value. In fields where multiple enumeration values are allowed the associated code values must be enclosed within double quotation marks and presented as a list delimited with semi-colons (;) .

API Access to Enumerations

This document outlines the data enumerations defined for the given fields and how they will be represented inside the Audience record. You may programmatically obtain this information in JSON format at the below API endpoint. Utilize your OAuth security token by sending it as a Bearer token within the Authorization header.

Endpoint /api/v1/dimension/all
Method GET
Response Format JSON
Security OAuth Bearer token passed in Authorization header.

Audience ID Types

Audience ID Type values are used inside the fields:

Multiple values are specified as a semi-colon delimited list of code values inside quotes

Name Code Description
Cookie cookie An ID based upon a browser cookie
Mobile ID mobile_id Mobile device ID
Platform ID platform_id Platform specific identifier
User-enabled ID user_enabled User-enabled identifier

Audience Detail Source

These codes apply to Audience Detail Source Code values. Multiple values are specified as a semi-colon delimited list of code values

Name Code Description
App Behavior app_behavior
App Usage app_usage
Web Usage web_usage
Geo Location geo_location
Email email
TV OTT or SBT Device tvott_sbtdev
Online Ecommerce online_ecomm
Credit Data credit_data
Loyalty Card Transaction loyalty_trans
Online Survey online_survey
Offline Survey offline_survey
Public Record: Census pub_census
Public Record: Voter File pub_voter
Public Record: Other pub_other
Offline Transaction offline_trans

Audience Scope Values

Audience Scope values identify if the audience is within single domain/app or across multiple:

Only a single value is allowed

Name Code Description
Single Domain/App single
Cross-domain within O&O crossdomain_withoo
Cross-domain outside O&O crossdomain_outsideoo
N/A Offline na

Compliance Mechanism

These codes apply to Privacy Compliance mechanism values. Multiple values are specified as a semi-colon delimited list of code values

Name Code Description
TCF (Europe) tcf Transparency & Consent Framework
US Privacy usp US Privacy
NAI Opt Out naioo NAI Opt Out
Other (not listed) other Other or non-listed mechanism
None none None


These codes apply to Audience Detail records as the Audience Inclusion methodology specifier.

Name Code Description
Observed/Known known Audience attributes are directly observed
Declared declared Audience attributes are self-reported by the audience members
Inferred inferred Audience attributes are determined from business rules or logic
Derived derived Audience attributes are computed based on other known or declared fields on record
Modeled modeled Audience attributes are calculated using an algorithm with a seed as the source

Match Key

Match Key values are used to specify what match keys are used for onboarding data within an Audience record. In the csv format multiple values are specified with a delimited list of code values.

Name Code Description
Observed/Known known Audience attributes are directly observed
Declared declared Audience attributes are self-reported by the audience members
Inferred inferred Audience attributes are determined from business rules or logic
Derived derived Audience attributes are computed based on other known or declared fields on record
Modeled modeled Audience attributes are calculated using an algorithm with a seed as the source

Precision Level

These codes apply to values used in both Audience and Onboarder Details.

Name Code Description
Individual individual
Household house
Business business
Device ID device
Browser browser
Geography geo
N/A na

Purchase Intent

Purchase Intent codes are used as a modifier to standard IAB Audience Taxonomy values. Utilize them by adding a pipe character ( | ) after the IAB Audience Taxonomy id value, then the desired purchase intent code.

Example: "247|PIPR6;805;855|PIFI2"
The above string specifies three standard taxonomy values, two of which are modified:

Name Code Description
Past Purchase < 1 day PIPR1 Past Purchase Recency < 1 day
Past Purchase < 7 days PIPR2 Past Purchase Recency < 7 days
Past Purchase < 14 days PIPR3 Past Purchase Recency < 14 days
Past Purchase < 21 days PIPR4 Past Purchase Recency < 21 days
Past Purchase < 1 month PIPR5 Past Purchase Recency < 1 month
Past Purchase < 6 months PIPR6 Past Purchase Recency < 6 months
Past Purchase < 12 months PIPR7 Past Purchase Recency < 12 months
Past Purchase > 12 months PIPR8 Past Purchase Recency > 12 months
Infrequent Past Purchase PIPF1 Infrequent Past Purchase Frequency
Moderate Purchaser PIPF2 Moderate Past Purchase Frequency
Frequent Purchaser PIPF3 Frequent Past Purchase Frequency
Low Spender PIPV1 Past Purchase Value Low Spender
Average Spender PIPV2 Past Purchase Value Average Spender
High Spender PIPV3 Past Purchase Value High Spender
Low Buyer Intent PIFI1 Future Buyer Intent Low
Medium Buyer Intent PIFI2 Future Buyer Intent Medium
High Buyer Intent PIFI3 Future Buyer Intent High

Time Period

These codes apply to values used in Lookback Window and Refresh Cadence. Fields are represented within:

Name Code Description
Intra-day intraday Multiple times within a day
Daily daily Single batch, once a day
Weekly weekly Once a week
Bi-Monthly bimonthly Twice a month
Monthly monthly Once a month
Quarterly quarterly Once a quarter
Bi-Annually biannually Twice a year
Annually anually Once every year